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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam
Date: Friday, December 8, 2023
Time: 10:30-10:37 A.M.

1. Unification Ministry’s Stance on North Korea’s dismantlement of the remains of the South-North Joint Liaison Office

Despite repeated warnings and requests from the Government, North Korea continues to illegally use the facilities of South Korean tenant companies in the Gaeseong Industrial Complex. Recently, the North has proceeded with the dismantlement of the South-North Joint Liaison Office building, which was already demolished in 2020. These actions by North Korea persistently violate our property rights.

The Government strongly reiterates that North Korea's actions of dismantling the South-North Joint Liaison Office and illicitly operating facilities within the GIC are clear violations of inter-Korean agreements, fundamentally undermining mutual respect and trust.

Furthermore, We strongly urge North Korea to immediately cease any actions that infringe upon the property rights of our people, companies, and government.

The ROKG will hold North Korea accountable for actions infringing upon our property rights and take necessary measures going forward. Our commitment remains firm in establishing inter-Korean relations based on mutual respect and trust through principled policies on unification and North Korea.

2. Minister’s Schedule

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho will attend a session of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs & Unification Committee today at 11 A.M.

The Minister’s congratulatory remarks at the 13th Chaillot Forum organized by the Korea Institute for National Unification will be delivered by the Deputy Minister for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs at 1:30 P.M.

3. Q&A

Q) In May, the Ministry mentioned that about 10 facilities in the GIC were under unauthorized operation. How much has this number increased since then?

In addition, does the Ministry consider North Korea’s ongoing dismantling of the South-North Joint Liaison Office is related to the increasing unauthorized operation of the GIC facilities?

A) We once mentioned that unauthorized vehicle movements and operations within the GIC were increasing. Currently, we estimate that facilities from around 30 tenant companies are in operation. However, it is difficult to specify the operational status of individual companies.

After the Joint Liaison Office was demolished in 2020, the facilities were left without any specific measures. Recently, there have been observations of North Korea demolishing these facilities since late November. However, we do not have concrete information on the reasons behind this demolition.

Q) Is the GIC in operation during the nighttime? What is the progress of North Korea’s removal of the Joint Liaison Office remains, whether it is ongoing or completed?

A) Currently, the remains of the South-North Joint Liaison Office is being dismantled, and the process is not yet finished. Our estimation of around 30 tenant companies being illicitly operated in the GIC is based on satellite information verified with relevant agencies, as well as visual observations during both daytime and nighttime. This number is a comprehensive assessment using this combined information.

Q) There was a VOA news report in May this year indicating that the Joint Liaison Office remains were being dismantled. Does it mean that the current stage involves not just clearing up the surrounding remains but an ongoing process of actual dismantlement?

A) Yes, North Korea is currently in the process of dismantling the damaged building.

Q) Yesterday, the Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea announced the audit results of the killing of a South Korean public official by North Korea in the West Sea. Among the issues raised for various ministries and institutions, there was mention of disciplinary action sought for the Ministry of Unification.

The Unification Ministry might feel unfairly targeted, but the audit result indicated that despite receiving information about our national being forced to North Korea while alive, no specific measures were taken. The Ministry’s stance, as I was informed, indicated no objections from the Ministry regarding the audit results, nor was there any apology. I was wondering if the Unification Ministry has any plan to apologize regarding the audit results?

A) Let me share the Ministry of Unification's stance regarding the Board of Audit and Inspection's decision. There is nothing specific to mention about the audit results. Concerning the issues pointed out during the audit, the Ministry of Unification will prioritize safeguarding our people’s lives and safety by closely cooperating with relevant agencies in case of any developments in inter-Korean relations in the future.

We plan to request the Central Disciplinary Committee to adopt a resolution of disciplinary action on this case in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Regarding the Board of Audit and Inspection's request for disposition of “attention” towards the Ministry, we will ensure that accurate information is distributed to the public through the National Assembly and media, based on factual explanations concerning situations related to inter-Korean relations.

Q) The Board of Audit and Inspection explicitly pointed out faults of the Unification Ministry, requesting for disposition of “attention” directed towards the Ministry and disciplinary action against an individual. However, does the Ministry have no intention of offering an apology for its lack of measures when our national was killed?

A) As I mentioned earlier, we will take into account the issues highlighted during this audit.