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Unification Ministry participates in an international cultural festival on German Unity Day


Unification Ministry participates in an international cultural festival to celebrate German Unity Day and builds consensus on unification on the Korean Peninsula

Unification Ministry participates in an international cultural festival on German Unity Day (October 2-3)

On October 3 (local time), a ceremony marking the 33rd German Unity Day was held at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg.

This year’s German Unity Day Citizen Festival* was held under the theme of Horizonte öffnen.

The festival featured diverse political and civic events, including a unification expo, for the citizens to enjoy.

* Various countries, including 16 German federal states, have set up 30 booths to promote their cultures

The Ministry of Unification participated in the event, set up a promotional booth in the Gerhart Hauptmann Square through October 2 to 3, and held various exhibitions and hands-on programs regarding unification, including separated families, to share the suffering of the division of the Korean Peninsula and raise international awareness about unification.

Furthermore, the grand award winner of the 2023 Unification Music Competition G.I.F.T drew in the audience with a small concert and conveyed a message of hope for unification through music.

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho also attended the event and engaged in talks with the citizens of Germany to build consensus on unification on the Korean Peninsula.

The event was a great success, building consensus on unification on the Korean Peninsula.

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