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Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers congratulatory remarks at the 2024 Peace Forum on the Korean Peninsula hosted by Segye Ilbo


Preparing a new dialogue on unification that embodies the values of freedom and human rights and can garner support from the international community

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers congratulatory remarks at the 2024 Peace Forum on the Korean Peninsula hosted by Segye Ilbo (April 22)

On April 22, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho attended the 2024 Peace Forum on the Korean Peninsula (hosted by Segye Ilbo) and delivered congratulatory remarks.

During his remarks, Minister Kim pointed out that North Korea has been undermining international norms and threatening global peace by developing nuclear and missile programs over the past several decades, adding that holding onto nuclear weapons will never lead to regime stability and economic development.

The minister stressed that “ceasing nuclear development and engaging in dialogue would bring greater benefits to the North Korean authorities and their residents.”

Furthermore, Minister Kim stated that in line with President Yoon’s vision of expanding the “universal values of freedom and human rights,” as articulated in his commemorative speech on the March First Independence Movement Day, the “government is preparing a new discourse on unification that embodies the values of freedom and human rights and can garner support from the international community.”

Lastly, Minister Kim asked the participants to join the path to a “unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at

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