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Unification Ministry holds the Forum on Updating COI Report on Human Rights in DPRK


The third milestone in the North Korean human rights issues, building global solidarity of intelligence and conscience through “international dialogue on North Korean human rights”

Unification Ministry holds the Forum on Updating COI Report on Human Rights in DPRK (April 26)

On April 26, the Ministry of Unification held the Forum on Updating COI (UN Commission of Inquiry) Report on Human Rights in DPRK.

The forum was organized to gather opinions from experts regarding updating the 2014 report of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Resolution on the situation of human rights in the DPRK adopted at the 55th session of the UNHRC.

The forum started with an opening speech by Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho, followed by two sessions: “Significance and Challenges of COI Follow-up Report: Evaluation and Suggestions on North Korea’s Human Rights Conditions over the Past 10 Years” and “Discussion on the Agenda of Abductees, Detainees, and Prisoners of War in Relation to Updating UPR and COI Report on North Korea.” The forum was attended by civil society groups, officials from embassies in South Korea, as well as domestic and foreign reporters.

During his opening remarks, Minister Kim noted that this year marks the third milestone in the North Korean human rights issues, including the 4th cycle of review of the UPR (Universal Periodic Review) and follow-up report of the COI. He further stressed the need to stay vigilant of remaining indifferent and silent regarding North Korean human rights issues as a fellow compatriot and a member of the world.

In addition, Minister Kim said that the Ministry of Unification will expand solidarity centered on intelligence and conscience among global citizens by opening the National North Korean Human Rights Center and holding an international dialogue on North Korean human rights in Washington, D.C. and Geneva.

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