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Resolutions at 289th Inter-Korean Exchange and Cooperation Promotion Council


Government determines funding for North/South joint compilation of combined Gyeoremal-keunsajeon

○ On January 11 at the 289th session of the Inter-Korea Exchange and Cooperation Promotion Council (Minister of Unification), the government reviewed and passed a total of seven bills including the budget plan for the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund in 2018.

 With the Inter-Korea Cooperation Fund to be applied in 2018 at a scale of 1,618.2 billion won,

- The Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund expenditure was organized to provide financial support for changes in inter-Korean relations in the event of development of certain conditions such as progress on the North Korean nuclear issue, with consideration for the current status of international sanctions against the North.

 The Center for Unified Korean Future was opened in 2014, and carries out functions such as helping to cultivate unification leadership through young people both at home and abroad, providing support for inter-Korea exchange events and other functions.  In 2017, a total of 38,242 students and young people from 164 schools and relevant organizations attended hands-on training sessions regarding unification.

- The council moved to support the Inter-Korea Cooperation Fund for continued smooth operation of the Center for Unified Korean Future in 2018, and to support hands-on training, program development, and North-South exchange events.

○ Since 2005, the “Joint Project for compilation of the Gyeoremal-keunsajeon” has been carried out in cooperation between the North and South to reconcile the heterogeneity of the language between the two and to integrate and realign the language system into one.

- The project will continue its contributions to recovery of the ethnic language community in 2018 with the compilation of a web-based Korean language dictionary and opening of the Joint Compilation Committee for the cooperative editing process.

○ The project for “structure and operation of the North Korea Aid Program Integration Management System” has carried out program management, database management, and private collaboration since 2015 as a program for the systematic integration and management of humanitarian support programs for the North carried out by both domestic and foreign agencies and organizations.

○ Through the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund for the Association for South-North Korea Exchange and Cooperation Support Association, unhindered forward progress will be ensured for processes including the △ support and consulting for companies which suffered losses due to sanctions and △ advance preparations for management tasks of North/South trade and economic cooperation.

○ The Gaeseong Industrial District Foundation has engaged in the work for normalization of operation of businesses affected by the shutdown of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex on February 10, 2016, providing support for workers similarly affected.

- The foundation will continue to support the normalization of business operations and maintenance of basic operations for the Gaeseong Industrial Complex in 2018 through support for operational expenses.

○ By first supporting businesses affected by the “May 24 Measure” and the July 2008 suspension of Geumgangsan Mountain tours, the foundation will help to resolve the management difficulties faced by businesses and provide the foundation for resuming North-South economic cooperation.

○  In 2018, the South Korean government will continue its efforts for revitalization of exchanges and exchange cooperation for the goal of peaceful coexistence and joint prosperity of the North and South.