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제34차 인권이사회 보고서(특별보고관) - 2017.2.22

제34차 인권이사회 보고서(특별보고관)

< Contents >

 I. Introduction                                                                               

 II. Latest developments                                                                
      A. Political and security situation                                              
      B. Impact of the August 2016 flood                                           
      C. Engagement of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with United Nations human rights mechanisms           

 III. Issues of particular concern                                                   

 IV. The way forward                                                                    
      A. Efforts to engage by the Special Rapporteur                        
      B. Group of independent experts on accountability                  
      C. Field-based structure of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner  for Human Rights in Seoul                 
       D.  Civil society organizations                                                  
       V.  Conclusion and recommendations