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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, November 15, 2021
Time: 10:30-10:38 A.M.

1. Ministry of Unification working toward creating consensus on peace and unification

The Ministry of Unification is pursuing a wide range of projects with the objective of increasing public participation in the process of devising policies and spreading national consensus on peace and unification. The Ministry is especially focusing on expanding communication and cooperation with those in their 20s and 30s, and a number of related events are scheduled to take place this week.

On November 16, the Ministry will be holding a forum in which 100 Korean nationals, mostly composed of those in their 20s and 30s, review and evaluate the Ministry’s policies and suggest improvements. Tomorrow’s forum will share monitoring results on the Ministry’s YouTube channel and its online unification education program, and present a policy proposal on improvement measures. Minister Lee In-young will take part in this forum and listen to the ideas of the participating general public.

On November 18, a talk concert will be held where the younger generation discuss the future of the Korean Peninsula. Forty youth participants will be joined by a panel of four politicians and experts. Minister Lee will deliver congratulatory remarks and listen in on how those in their 20s and 30s visualize the future of the Korean Peninsula.

On November 20, Minister Lee will deliver opening remarks and words of encouragement at a mock investment contest attended by 10 finalist groups. At this event, the younger generation will present business ideas and plans for realizing a “peace economy” on the peninsula, and receive investment from a panel of judges composed of experts in finance, marketing, and inter-Korean economic cooperation.

2. Other schedules

Minister Lee will deliver congratulatory remarks at the 17th Hankyoreh-Busan International Symposium on November 17 and at the 3rd International Forum for Northern Economic Cooperation on November 18.

On November 19, Minister Lee will deliver a keynote address at an academic seminar discussing the Biden administration’s international relations, co-hosted by organizations including the Korean Association for Eurasian Studies.

3. Q&A

Q. What is the purpose and nature of the upcoming “5th Conference of Frontrunners of Three Revolutions” reported by the North Korean media today?

A. North Korea announced through its Rodong Sinmun today that it will be holding the 5th Conference of Frontrunners of the Three Revolutions. This conference, held once every decade since 1986, honors exemplary workers or units in the fields of ideology, technology and culture, and seeks to promote such practices.

This year’s conference will be the second of its kind held under President Kim Jong Un, after the fourth conference held in 2015. It appears to follow the North’s tendency in holding large-scale political events, sectoral and unit scale conferences and presentations to encourage the fulfillment of matters decided upon at the 8th party congress and the completion of tasks assigned to the first year of the North’s five-year economic development plan. It also seems aimed at strengthening internal unity, as this year marks the 10th year since President Kim took power.

Q. You mentioned that the conference was previously held every 10 years. What would be the reasoning behind it being held after six years under Kim Jong Un?

A. Until the fourth conference, the event was held on a 10 year cycle. There are no particular regulations on when the conference is to be held, but compared to past records, a six year span seems shorter than usual.

As mentioned earlier, North Korea is holding numerous events to encourage North Korean residents complete the tasks under the five-year economic plan unveiled at the party congress. As part of such efforts, the Conference of Frontrunners of the Three Revolutions may be scheduled to be held at an earlier date.

North Korea noted in its Rodong Sinmun report that the conference on the three revolutions movement and the three revolution red flag movement are part of a strategic path consistently pursued by the North, and characteristic of mass public movements aimed at setting an example for people to look up to.

Holding the conference at an earlier date may hold various meaning, such as emphasizing the need to follow through on party congress decisions, accomplish tasks of its economic plan, and promote internal unity as President Kim marks 10 years in office.