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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, January 10, 2022
Time: 10:30-10:41 A.M.

1. Ministry to discuss implementation of 2022 Work Plan

The Unification Ministry devised its 2022 Work Plan under the theme of “Peace on the Korean Peninsula” and reported it to the President and the general public at the end of last year.

The Ministry reported that it will carry out a consistent North Korea and unification policy and establish the foundation for peace and unification to restore inter-Korean dialogue and cooperation, while focusing on the goal of promoting the Korean peace process without interruption.

This week, each Ministry office will draw up detailed implementation plans for the 2022 work plan, and discussions will be held to enhance the effectiveness of policies by analyzing the policy environment, inspecting execution strategies and looking into risk management.

At an important time calling for a new turning point to improve inter-Korean relations and establish peace on the Korean Peninsula, the Unification Ministry will do its best to fulfill its responsibilities as an agency in charge of North Korean affairs based on the findings and plans gathered this week.

2. Q&A

Q. Recently, there have been calls to use vaccines to promote inter-Korean relations. How much Covid-19 vaccines can be purchased with the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund? Would vaccine cooperation with the North have any conflict with North Korea sanctions? Lastly, is this a matter to be discussed with the U.S.?

A. A South-North joint response to infectious diseases such as Covid-19 is essential as it concerns the safety of both North and South Korean residents. However, the Government believes that inter-Korean cooperation concerning the provision of Covid-19 vaccines is a matter to be pursued at a time when the safety of our people is secured and public consensus is formed. The North’s intentions and international community trends are also factors to be considered. The Government is not reviewing specific measures at this moment. It will seek possible cooperation based on public consensus while comprehensively considering a wide range of aspects including the spread of Covid-19 at home and abroad, our vaccine capacity, and the state of inter-Korean relations.

Meanwhile, the international community including the United States share the thought that no country should be excluded from access to Covid-19 vaccines, and that sanctions should not interrupt efforts to fight against the virus. I would also like to note that discussions are underway to support vaccines to the North through COVAX Facility.

Q. The North’s Rodong Sinmun reported today that its control-oriented Covid-19 response should shift to being more advanced and people-oriented. Does the Ministry evaluate that this change may lead to the North accepting vaccines or aid concerning Covid-19 treatment?

A. The North stressed at the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee last year that disease prevention should be made a top priority, adding that the work should be promoted to reinforce and complete the means and forces needed for switching its preventive measures into an advanced and people-oriented one. In today’s Rodong Sinmun, the North emphasized the need to move to a more advanced, people-oriented approach from the current control-focused antivirus measures.

The Government will keep an eye on how this new path raised by the North will materialize, paying particular attention to the possibility of it leading to changes in its strict policy, including its border lockdown.

Q. Are routine calls through the South-North Joint Liaison Office operating as usual? Has the North responded to the South’s proposal to establish a video conference system?

A. Since the restoration of inter-Korean communications channels on October 4, the South and the North are making daily routine calls twice a day, at 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Today’s 9 A.M. call went through as usual.

Following the restoration of inter-Korean communications channels in July 29, the Government proposed holding talks on establishing a video conference system between the two sides. We are yet awaiting for the North’s response. The Government hopes the North respond to its proposal at an early date, making it possible to establish a system in which the two Koreas can communicate safely and effectively even under conditions like Covid-19.

Q. With regards to the recent border-crossing by a North Korean defector, some argue that the Government has neglected the defectors or that there is a loophole in the policy supporting these individuals. What is the Ministry’s position regarding such claims?

A. Upon finalizing the Third Master Plan for Settlement Support for North Korean Defectors last year, the Ministry has pursued a settlement support policy focused on social integration and aimed at realizing a welcoming society in which North Korean defectors become neighbors.

In this direction, efforts have been made to expand defector support policy beyond ensuring livelihood to further assisting their independence and embracing them as a member of society. As part of such efforts, the Government has strengthened emotional and psychological support for North Korean defectors this year. In particular, the Government has sought to preemptively discover and resolve areas of improvement in the process of implementing policy. For example, cash-based aid has been enforced including increased additional benefits for the elderly, and subscription requirements for the Future Happiness Bankbook which serves to help defectors build their assets has been adjusted.

Since 2019, the Government conducts a half yearly survey of vulnerable defector households to discover defectors suffering from or expected to experience economic and/or psychological difficulties, and accordingly provide customized support. The survey is part of efforts to minimize blind spots in welfare for North Korean defectors. This year, the Ministry is preparing to launch a new team to provide vulnerable defectors with round-the-clock support. This team, after going through consultations with related agencies, is expected to start operations in January or February.

Q. The Ministry refuted a domestic news report claiming that 771 North Korean defectors left the South. If the report is not true, what is the exact current status?

A. The Ministry released a press note in response to a report made over the weekend claiming that 771 North Korean defectors have left the South to seek asylum in a third country. The issued press note clarifies that the report incorrectly cited statistics that represent the number of defectors that have departed overseas, and does not conform to objective facts.

For your reference, a total of 20 North Korean defectors have immigrated abroad over the past five years (from 2016 to 2020).