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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, February 28, 2022
Time: 10:30-10:35 A.M.

1. Regarding North Korea’s ballistic missile launch

North Korean state media reported today that its National Aerospace Development Administration and the Academy of Defence Science conducted a test for the development of a reconnaissance satellite.

Upon detecting a ballistic missile launch from around the North’s Sunan area toward the East Sea, the Government has tracked and monitored related movements while also maintaining a readiness posture. Meanwhile, the National Security Council meeting expressed grave regret over the North’s missile launch and urged an immediate suspension of such acts.

The Ministry of Unification also held an executive meeting presided by the Minister and Vice Minister shortly after the North’s missile launch. The meeting reviewed situations surrounding inter-Korean relations, and expressed deep concern over yet another North Korean missile launch which comes at a time when peace and stability on the peninsula are paramount. It also urged the North to suspend all acts contrary to efforts in settling peace on the Korean Peninsula and around the world, and to return to the path toward dialogue and cooperation.

The Ministry, together with related agencies and countries, will closely monitor developments in the North and continue efforts to ensure that situations on the Korean Peninsula head toward peace, not increased tension and confrontation.

2. Upcoming events

The National Institute for Unification Education is publishing three basic textbooks for unification education today, including Understanding Issues on Unification, Understanding North Korea and Understanding Peace on the Korean Peninsula. Textbooks on unification and North Korea have been published since 1972, while the subject of peace was introduced for the first time last year. The three textbooks will be distributed to schools, libraries and research institutes, and will be used for unification education purposes.

Tomorrow marks 53 years since the Ministry of Unification was established. Accordingly, on March 2, the Ministry will hold an online anniversary event looking back on the path taken and exploring the path to pursue.

3. Q&A

Q. North Korea noted through state media that it conducted a test under the plan of developing a reconnaissance satellite on February 27. Does the Government perceive this as part of a process toward suspending its moratorium?

A. An in-depth analysis of the North’s recent missile launch details is currently underway, especially by military authorities. The Government will assess the implications of the latest missile launch and thoroughly prepare for all possibilities based on such analysis, while paying close attention to North Korea’s claim the test was aimed at developing a reconnaissance satellite.

We urge the North to suspend missile tests and acts that run counter to building peace on the Korean Peninsula and around the world, especially at a time when peace and stability on the peninsula are paramount. The North must maintain its moratorium and swiftly return to dialogue and cooperation.