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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, November 22, 2021
Time: 10:30-10:40 A.M.

1. International symposium discussing the National Unification Contract to be held online

The Ministry of Unification has been working on devising a National Unification Contract together with civil society with the objective of mapping out a desirable future for the Korean Peninsula and laying the foundation for social consensus in implementing policies on North Korea and unification.

To realize this objective, the Ministry arranged approximately 60 social dialogues together with the ‘Social Dialogue for Peace and Unification Building of Korea (PUB of Korea),’ which represents a wide range of civil societies and religious groups. After years of dialogue beginning 2018, we were able to finalize the National Unification Contract.

Efforts to publicize the contract have continued through parliamentary debates and social dialogue with people of all walks of life. In line with such efforts, an international symposium discussing the contract will be held online on November 24. The symposium will focus on sharing the results of social dialogues with domestic and foreign experts and seeking directions for improvement.

Unification Minister Lee In-young and lawmakers from the ruling and opposition parties will deliver congratulatory remarks, and members of civil organizations including those from PUB of Korea will take part in discussions.

The process of developing a social consensus on the issue of unification and peace through dialogue, which has often been the subject of conflict in our society, can build a solid foundation for sustainable North Korean policy. Based on such understanding, the Government will continue efforts to advance the contract.

2. Ministry to co-host Global Academic Forum for Peace-Unification Education

On November 25, the Unification Ministry and the Ministry of Education will be co-hosting the Global Academic Forum for Peace-Unification Education.

The Ministry has been striving to raise public understanding of peace on the Korean Peninsula through unification education. The forum, held under the theme of “peace education in conflict-affected countries,” will examine the challenges of peace education in conflict societies, and search ways to improve peace education through overseas cases in Cyprus and Northern Ireland.

Minister Lee In-young will deliver welcoming video remarks, and participate in discussions with experts from the National Institute for Unification Education, the Korea Institute for National Unification, and the Korean Educational Development Institute, as well as foreign experts from Israel, Cyprus and England.

3. Ministry to sponsor 2021 DMZ International Forum on Peace Economy

On November 26, the 2021 DMZ International Forum on Peace Economy co-hosted by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Gangwon Province, and sponsored by the Ministry will be held at 10:30 A.M.

Domestic and foreign experts will discuss ways to implement peace economy in the border area and also have the opportunity to visit the DMZ in person. Minister Lee will deliver a keynote speech at the forum.

4. Q&A

Q. A foreign media reported a few days ago that railroad operations between North Korea and China resumed on November 1, but was suspended after eight days due to the spread of Covid-19. Is the government aware of any such developments?

A. Movements have been detected in the North Korea-China border that suggest preparations for an opening, including the construction of disinfection facilities and the North’s adoption of a new law concerning the disinfection of imported goods. Based on recent developments, the Government believes that such preparations are in the final stages. However, it is difficult to predict when the North will open its borders as it is a matter to be decided through consultations between China and the North.

As North Korea’s lift in border control creates better conditions for inter-Korean and international cooperation, the government will continue to closely monitor the situation.

Q. You have mentioned that though related developments have been observed, it is hard to predict when the border restrictions will be eased. Does this mean that the border was never open before, or that it will open following a short resumption and yet another suspension?

A. Various developments have been observed as the North and China make preparations to resume trade, including technical inspections. I am aware that there have been reports citing sources claiming that the border has been temporarily opened. However, it is inappropriate for the Government to specifically confirm or deny any or all such developments. Though preparations to resume trade between China and North Korea are being observed constantly, it is too early to confirm that the North’s border restrictions have been lifted.

Q. North Korean media reported that its Conference of Frontrunners of Three Revolutions closed today. What is the Unification Ministry’s evaluation of this event? Secondly, has there been any meaningful conversations between the two Koreas since the communications channels have been restored on October 4?

A. Over the past few days North Korea has reported on the 5th Conference of Frontrunners of Three Revolutions, and announced today that the event has closed.

It is the Ministry’s understanding that the conference, which was originally a decennial event, was held earlier than usual. In addition, the North continues to emphasize the importance of mass public movements through reports on the conference. As this is the first year of implementing the North’s five-year economic development plan, and President Kim Jong Un’s 10th year in power, the North is seeking to produce outcomes, strengthen internal unity, and inspect factors related to mobilizing domestic resources. The conference appears to be held as part of such efforts.

With regards to the restoration of communications lines, the Government acknowledges the restoration as a basic foundation and starting point for resuming inter-Korean dialogue and cooperation. The communications lines are in stable operation, with daily routine calls being made twice a day. We see this as a positive development. However, it is regrettable that the restoration of communications lines have not yet led to sectoral talks or to the establishment of a video conference system. We will continue making efforts to realize these goals.