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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, November 29, 2021
Time: 10:30-10:36 A.M.

1. Unification Ministry continues efforts to promote peace on the Korean Peninsula

The Ministry of Unification believes that in order to advance the Korean peace process, it needs to enhance the international community’s understanding of inter-Korean relations and peace on the Korean Peninsula. In this respect, the Ministry has made efforts to promote cooperation in both the public and private sectors.

The Ministry has expanded policy consultations at all levels with key governments including the United States. It has also worked to spread international interest on Korean Peninsula issues at the private level, holding the Korea Global Forum for Peace and appointing Goodwill Ambassadors for Peace on the Korean Peninsula.

On a similar note, Minister Lee In-young will be attending the commencement ceremony for the Peace and Public Diplomacy Corps 2021 on December 1. Minister Lee will encourage the 32 participants and deliver awards to exemplary members. The Peace and Public Diplomacy Corps is a youth public diplomacy organization composed mostly of those in their 20s and 30s. As the official sponsor, the Unification Ministry has supported various public diplomacy activities since July of last year.

2. Panmunjeom tours to resume

As announced, Panmunjeom tours will resume starting tomorrow. Twenty visitors will be admitted each day, with tours arranged on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. With the public’s heightened interest in the Panmunjeom tours following its four-month hiatus, December tour schedules are now fully booked. Reservations for January will start on December 10.

3. Other schedules

On December 2, Minister Lee will attend an event held by the Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation. Minister Lee will also be delivering congratulatory video remarks at the 2021 Water-Detente Conference on November 30.

Vice Minister Choi Young Joon will deliver congratulatory remarks at an academic seminar commemorating 30 years since signing the Inter-Korean Basic Agreement on December 3.

4. Q&A

Q. North Korea’s Rodong Sinmun reported yesterday on the new coronavirus variant Omicron. What is the Ministry’s understanding of the North’s response measures regarding Omicron? Also, will this new variant affect plans to ease border control between North Korea and China?

A. Since the Covid-19 pandemic started last year, North Korea has been reporting on the latest updates with regards to Covid-19 through various media outlets in a relatively quick manner. While reporting on the spread of the virus and outbreaks of new variants around the world, the North also made sure to encourage its people to strengthen prevention and control measures.

On November 27, North Korean state media introduced the outbreak of Omicron, noted its latest developments, and elaborated on response efforts by the international community and WHO. Media reports also emphasized that the public should carry out prevention and control efforts as the most important task. However, as North Korea has already been enforcing stringent preventative efforts by declaring “top-class emergency anti-epidemic measures” and closing its borders, no additional measures have been observed to counter the Omicron variant.

In addition, lifting border control is a matter to be decided through a comprehensive assesment of various factors including North Korea-China consultations, maintenance conditions of quarantine facilities, and the spread of Covid-19. It is difficult to conclusively claim that Omicron will have any impact on the decision making process. The Ministry will closely monitor the situation.

Q. Today is Rocket Industry Day in the North. Is the Ministry aware of any signs that may suggest the North is preparing for a missile test or any other activities?

A. Calendars published by the North mark November 29 as “Rocket Industry Day,” but the North is yet to officially mention or commemorate the occasion. While the state media has remained silent, propaganda outlets have been commemorating November 29 as the launch date for Hwasong-15 and publishing reports recalling its achievements. There is nothing specific the Ministry can confirm regarding North Korea’s military developments. We will keep a watch out for activities related to the North’s “Rocket Industry Day.”