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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam


Date: Monday, March 11, 2024
Time: 10:30-10:37 A.M.

1. Minister’s Schedule

On March 11, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho will attend a talk concert on stories about North Korea to deliver a lecture for faculty and students of the Global Cyber University at 2 P.M.

On March 12, at 10 A.M., Minister Kim will attend the cabinet meeting.

At 2 P.M., Minister Kim will sit down for a meeting with German Foreign Office State Secretary Thomas Bagger.

At 3:30 P.M., Minister Kim will attend a meeting of the North Korean Human Rights Committee.

On March 13, at 11 A.M., Minister Kim will visit the Hana Center in Northern Seoul together with Lee Hyun-chool, head of the ‘special committee for accompanying residents with backgrounds from North Korea’ established under the Presidential Committee of National Cohesion.

On March 14, at 7:30 A.M., Minister Kim will deliver a lecture at a breakfast forum of the Seoul National University Alumni Association.

On March 15, at 10 A.M., Minster Kim will attend a meeting of the Unification Future Planning Committee.

At 2:20 P.M., Minister Kim will deliver congratulatory remarks at a seminar on unification education held by the Constitutional Law Advocates.

2. Q&A

Q) It is my understanding that a revision to the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Support for Gaeseong Industrial Complex (GIC) will be made tomorrow. What will be the process of dissolution of the Gaeseong Industrial District Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation”) after the resolution?

Meanwhile, a promotion committee of the North’s regional development 20x10 policy has reportedly approved the relocation of South Korean corporate facilities in the Gaeseong Industrial Complex. What is the recent development regarding this unauthorized movement of South Korean equipment?

Also, will the South-North Korea Exchanges and Cooperation Support Association take on the role of the Foundation in taking legal action against such unauthorized operations?

A) With regards to the first question, revision to the enforcement decree for the dissolution of the Foundation is underway. It will be promulgated next week after going through procedures such as passing the cabinet meeting tomorrow. Once the revision is made public, the Foundation will take necessary follow-up measures such as holding a board meeting as well as registering and reporting on the dissolution.

Secondly, I recall strongly urging the North to immediately cease illicit operations of facilities within the GIC and dismantling of the South-North Joint Liaison Office last December. Though there is nothing to confirm regarding the transfer of equipment, the Ministry remains alȩrt to such possibilities. The Government will hold North Korea accountable for actions infringing upon our property rights and take necessary measures going forward.

On the final question, through the revised bill, remaining responsibilities of the Foundation will be assigned to the South-North Korea Exchanges and Cooperation Support Association, which will include liquidation and corporate support tasks. Therefore, there will be no procedural problems on taking legal action against the North once the transfer of responsibilities are completed.

Q) According to reports, Chinese company Hongxiang Group, which had stopped trade with the North, has recently resumed trade activity in the border area between North Korea and China. What is the Ministry’s interpretation of this situation?

Does the Ministry have any information about recent trade between North Korea and China that it can share?

A) The Ministry apprehends trade between North Korea and China through China’s official customs data. I would like to note that not all trade with the North violates sanctions. Therefore it is not appropriate to comment on trade activity with the North all together. Instead, I can clearly state that trade with North Korea should be pursued in accordance with sanctions resolutions of the UN Security Council.

Q) Foreign media reported last week that the North has completed dismantlement of the South-North Joint Liaison Office and that snow is seen covering the grounds. Has the Government confirmed the matter, and what is its next planned step?

A) Last December, I had the opportunity to confirm that the North had proceeded with the dismantlement of the liaison office. Considerable progress seems to have been made, but I cannot definitively comment on whether it has been completed or not.

I would like to reiterate that the Government will hold North Korea accountable for actions infringing upon our property rights and take necessary measures going forward.