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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam
Date: Monday, December 18, 2023
Time: 10:30-10:34 A.M.

1. Minister’s Schedule

At 9 A.M. today, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho delivered his opening remarks at the International Dialogue on North Korean Human Rights held at FYI Tower. At 2 P.M., Minister Kim will visit a military base located in Paju to offer encouragement to the soldiers acknowledging their hard work as the year comes to a close. The Minister’s opening remarks at a seminar focused on North Korea’s nuclear issues, human rights, and the Audacious Initiative will be delivered by the Deputy Minister for Unification Policy on his behalf.

On December 19, at 10 A.M., Minister Kim will attend the cabinet meeting.

On December 20, Minister Kim will attend the National Assembly’s Special Committee on Budget & Accounts at 11 A.M., and attend the general meeting of the National Assembly at 2 P.M.

2. Q&A

Q) North Korea launched a short-range ballistic missile yesterday and a long-range missile this morning. What is the Unification Ministry’s assessment of North Korea's intentions?

A) We will not particularly analyze North Korea's intentions for its missile launches. As is widely recognized, North Korea’s such threatening actions are in violation of the UN Security Council’s resolutions. The ROK-US alliance is prepared to respond swiftly and decisively to any provocations North Korea may undertake. We urge North Korea to abandon its provocative and threatening behavior and engage in dialogue and cooperation.

Q) Has the Ministry noticed any indications of further military provocations from North Korea after today’s missile launch?

A) We do not have information to confirm at this point regarding your question.

Q) North Korea strongly criticized the September 19 Military Agreement today. What is the Ministry’s take on this?

A) We condemn that North Korea, which repeatedly ignores international norms and violates the UN Security Council's sanctions through its nuclear and missile development and military reconnaissance satellites launches, now threatens us with groundless and exaggerated rhetoric in response to our legitimate defensive measures.

Q) What topics are on the agenda for the 3rd plenary meeting of the Unification Future Planning Committee, scheduled for Tuesday?

A) The Committee has been discussing forward-thinking approaches for unification plans, including the New Future Initiative on Unification. This upcoming meeting will follow in this direction and we will share further details with you when appropriate.

Q) Yesterday was the 12th anniversary of Kim Jong Il’s death. Do you have any information on any connection between North Korea's recent military provocations and the commemoration of his death?

A) Currently, we do not have information to provide regarding the relationship between North Korea's military activities and the 12th anniversary of Kim Jong Il’s death.