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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, December 27, 2021
Time: 10:45-10:52 A.M.

1. North Korea expected to hold 4th plenary meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee this week

The North’s Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee on December 1 adopted a resolution on convening a plenary meeting in late December to review the implementation of major policies for 2021 and to discuss and decide on work plans for 2022.

As of this morning, there have been no reports of the meeting or any related developments. The meeting is generally presided by President Kim Jong Un, and lasts for one to four days. As the North usually reports on the meeting after it has been held, the Ministry expects to see more details within this week.

Late this year and early next year are important times for determining whether inter-Korean relations will head toward a phase for peace through the restoration of dialogue and cooperation or remain in a prolonged phase of deadlock. Based on such understanding, the Government is closely monitoring the situation while focusing on the North’s policy direction for the upcoming year to be announced at the plenary meeting.

The Government has consistently expressed its willingness to improve inter-korean realtions and settle peace on the Korean Peninsula through dialogue and cooperation. We hope the North can begin the new year by opening its doors to the South and the international community and head toward a path of engagement and cooperation.

2. Ministry to hold awards ceremony for meritorious individuals

An awards ceremony for meritorious individuals that have assisted in the settlement of North Korean defectors will be held on December 28. Minister Lee In-young will deliver Presidential Commendations and Prime Ministerial Medals to five individuals that have helped North Korean defectors settle into our community and contributed in fostering integration between defectors and local residents throughout this year.

3. Q&A

Q. Could you explain the characteristics of the North’s plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee? Also, does the Government expect there to be a message directed at the South or the United States?

A. The Party Central Committee is the highest guiding organ to supervise all party activities when the Party Congress is out of session. The Central Committee is comprised of members elected at the Party Congress, and the members discuss and make decisions on major issues concerning the party including personnel matters.

As the North announced that it will review the implementation of major policies for 2021 and to discuss and decide on 2022 work plans, it can be assumed that the meeting will claim this year as victorious considering its achievements especially in the fields of agriculture and construction. Meanwhile, it will also introduce next year’s major tasks and goals for all fields, and likely reveal its foreign policy directions including messages directed at the South and the U.S.

As mentioned earlier, late this year and early next year are crucial times for improving inter-Korean relations and establishing peace on the peninsula. We hope the North will choose to take the road for dialogue and cooperation.

Q. What efforts has the Unification Ministry made to reopen the Gaeseong Industiral Complex (GIC)? Will there be any changes to the GIC in the new year? What support measures has the Ministry prepared for GIC tenant companies?

A. The leaders of the South and the North agreed through the Pyeongyang Joint Declaration of September 2018 to normalize the GIC as conditions ripe, and the Government remains determined to follow through. The Government has focused on forming a consensus at home and abroad on the reopening of the GIC, and on creating conditions for the normalization of the GIC through the resumption of inter-korean relations and promotion of North Korea-U.S. talks.

Meanwhile, it has also made efforts to resolve the difficulties experienced by tenant companies considering the prolonged shutdown of the GIC. The Government has arranged and conducted diverse damage support measures through support funds and special loans, but situations have worsened due to added difficulties caused by Covid-19. Accordingly, the Government will consult with related agencies, such as financial authorities, to expand the scope of existing damage support measures and devise more active assistance.