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Minister Kim Yung Ho holds a meeting with journalists on the occasion of his 100th day in office


Marking his 100th day in office, Minister Kim states that he will make efforts to resolve the North Korea nuclear issue and for better livelihoods of its people based on principled inter-Korean relations

Minister Kim Yung Ho holds a meeting with Korean beat journalists on the occasion of his 100th day in office (November 6)

On November 6, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho held a meeting with the Korean beat journalists covering the Unification Ministry’s affairs and gave an overview of his 100 days in office.

Highlighting his efforts over the past 100 days in promoting principled inter-Korean relations, improving human rights in North Korea, addressing the issues of separated families, abductees, detainees, and prisoners of war, revealing the realities of North Korea, building consensus on unification among the international community, creating conditions for inter-Korean exchanges and humanitarian aid to North Korea based on policy communication with officials from all social standings, Minister Kim said that he will make greater efforts to create more outcomes.

In particular, noting the recent compensation provided to the families of North Korean detainees and a job fair to be held for North Korean defectors in November, the minister said that he will strive to enhance the livelihoods of North Koreans through communication.

Moreover, Minister Kim emphasized that he will continue his efforts to spread the vision of “a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace” at home and abroad by releasing the North Korean Human Rights Roadmap and the Status Report on North Korean Economy and Society in the near future.

장관님, 출입기자 간사단 차담회_섬네일.png Images