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Minister Kwon Youngse delivers a congratulatory message at the opening ceremony of the NK Assembly North Korean Human Rights Expo


Improving the dire state of North Korean human rights is not only a humanitarian mission, but also the initial step towards a unified future

Minister Kwon Youngse delivers a congratulatory message at the opening ceremony of the NK Assembly North Korean Human Rights Expo (July 14)

On July 14, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse attended the NK Assembly North Korean Human Rights Expo, which was held to garner ideas and insights to improve the human rights situation in North Korea, and delivered a congratulatory message.

During his speech, Minister Kwon said, “Even at this moment, our compatriots in the North are living lives where they cannot even enjoy basic freedoms and human rights.”

“Improving the dire state of North Korean human rights is not only a humanitarian mission, but also the initial step towards a unified future,” he added.

He mentioned that “this is why the Yoon administration recognizes the issues of human rights in North Korea as being as grave as the issues of North Korea’s nuclear program, and why we are making multifaceted efforts.”

Moreover, the minister stated that “we must make consistent efforts in enhancing awareness and expanding the understanding of the need to improve human rights in North Korea among our people and the international community.”

“First, there is a need to concentrate our capacity on accurately identifying the horrendous human rights situation in North Korea and plainly letting the world know about its reality,” he added.

Minister Kwon highlighted that “we must continuously make demands on and put pressure on North Korea to prevent the North from ignoring the voices of the Korean government and international community.

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