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Unification Minister Kim Yung ho visits a subordinate unit of the Army Fires Brigade and delivers a lecture



Soldiers of the Republic of Korea are the key players in the unification of the Korean Peninsula

Unification Minister Kim Yung ho visits a subordinate unit of the Army Fires Brigade and delivers a lecture (January 17)

On January 17, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho visited a subordinate unit of the Army Fires Brigade to encourage military personnel and provide consolation money for the New Year.

The visit was organized to express gratitude to the young soldiers who take responsibility for our security and safeguard the future.

Minister Kim stressed “the crucial role of the Army Fires Brigade in strengthening South Korea’s deterrence capability through cutting-edge firepower” as the circumstances on the Korean Peninsula become more serious.

The minister added that, as the minister of the Ministry of Unification, he will do his utmost in creating “a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace.”

Furthermore, during his lecture for the soliders titled “Revealing the Reality of North Korea,” Minister Kim introduced a case of a “slow but changing North Korea,” stating, “Safeguarding security while thoroughly and accurately understanding the situation of North Korea is the first step to preparing for unification.”

Lastly, he stressed that South Korea’s future lies in our soldiers, labeling them as the “key players in the unification of the Korean Peninsula.”

240117 (보도자료) 통일부장관  화력여단 부대 방문 및 강연 사진-2.jpg 图片 240117 (보도자료) 통일부장관  화력여단 부대 방문 및 강연 사진-3.jpg 图片 240117 (보도자료) 통일부장관  화력여단 부대 방문 및 강연 사진-4.jpg 图片