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Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho visits and consoles families of abduction victims on the occasion of the Lunar New Year’s Day


Will always remember and strive to cooperate with the international community in a bid to bring detainees back home

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho visits and consoles families of abduction victims on the occasion of the Lunar New Year’s Day (February 7)

On February 7, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho spent time consoling the son of missionary Choe Chun-gil, who has been detained in North Korea for 10 years since 2014, ahead of the Lunar New Year. They shared a meal of Tteokguk, a traditional rice cake soup eaten during the Lunar New Year holiday.

* In November of last year, the Ministry of Unification, for the first time, was able to confirm the family relations of missionary Choi Chun-gil. Subsequently, the ministry informed his son about his father’s detention and provided compensation.

Referring to the language of forget-me-nots, the flower the Ministry of Unification used to design a symbol that represents abductions, detainees, and prisoners of war, Minister Kim encouraged the son not to give up hope and to stay healthy until they confirm the well-being of the detainees and bring them back home safely.

Moreover, the minister said that he will “continue to work towards developing concrete plans to cooperate with international organizations and countries concerned in a bid to bring the detainees, including missionary Choe Chun-gil, back home as soon as possible.

In response, Mr. Choe, the son of missionary Choe Chun-gil, expressed being “heartbroken because there is no way to find out whether his father is even alive or not.” He also conveyed his gratitude, saying, “Finding out about my father’s detention and receiving comfort has been a great source of strength for me.”

He further expressed his intention to participate in the online campaign titled “Blossom the Forget-Me-Nots” and expressed hope for increased public interest in the issue of abductees.


240207 (보도자료) 통일부 장관  아버지의 마음으로 억류 선교사 아들과 물망초를 피우다 사진-2.jpg 图片 240207 (보도자료) 통일부 장관  아버지의 마음으로 억류 선교사 아들과 물망초를 피우다 사진-1.jpg 图片