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Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with delegation of U.S. Congressional Study Group on Korea


The ROK and the U.S., nations that share common values of freedom and human rights, must work together to address the Korean Peninsula issues.

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with delegation of U.S. Congressional Study Group on Korea (March 25)

On March 25, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho met with six members of the United States Congressional Study Group on Korea (CSGK)* to exchange views on matters of mutual interest such as Korean Peninsula issues and North Korea policies.

Minister Kim expressed appreciation to the U.S. CSGK for their bipartisan support for consolidating the ROK-U.S. alliance and promoting human rights in North Korea.

* The Congressional Study Group on Korea (CSGK) is a bipartisan study group on Korea in the U.S. Congress established in February 2018, with about 80 members of the U.S. Congress (as of December 2023).

Referring to the vision, of a “unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace,” stated in the joint statement of the Republic of Korea, the United States, and Japan at the Camp David Summit last August and President Yoon Suk Yeol’s aspiration for a “free, unified Republic of Korea” that is led by our people in his commemorative address at the March First Independence Movement Day, Minister Kim asked the CSGK for great support.

Representative Young Kim and Ami Bera expressed concerns over intensifying provocations and threats posed by North Korea lately, emphasizing that the Republic of Korea and the United States, nations that share common values such as freedom and human rights, must work closely together to address the Korean Peninsula issues. The two sides agreed to continue communicating on the matter.

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