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The Ministry of Unification holds a policy seminar on properly understanding the reality of North Korea


Bring peace and prosperity and realize a liberal democratic unification on the Korean Peninsula through the advancement of freedom to the North

The Ministry of Unification holds a policy seminar on properly understanding the reality of North Korea (February 20)

On February 20, the Ministry of Unification held a policy seminar on properly understanding the reality of North Korea under the theme of “Understanding the Status of North Korean Economy and Society and the Direction of Unification and North Korea policies.”

The event consisted of two sessions, “North Korean Economy” and “North Korean Society,” featuring presentations and discussions by experts from related fields, including academia and the media.

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho, in his opening remarks delivered by Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun, stated, “If North Korea threatens peace on the Korean Peninsula with nuclear and military capabilities, we will instill hope among North Korean residents through the power of freedom, safeguarding peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, and ultimately achieve unification based on liberal democracy.”

Furthermore, Minister Kim emphasized the importance of the recently released Status Report on North Korean Economy and Society by the South Korean government, stating that key policy agendas of the Yoon administration begin with an accurate understanding of the reality of North Korea.

Minister Kim expressed hope that people would gain an accurate understanding of the realities of North Korea through the report. He added that the report encompasses changes in the livelihoods and awareness of North Korean residents, including the spread of Hallyu and growing negative sentiments surrounding the hereditary succession of the regime.

Moreover, Minister Kim said that the government will persist in its efforts to build consensus among the people and strengthen solidarity with the international community in a bid to improve the human rights of North Korean residents and foster positive changes in the North.


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