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2024 Unification Ministry’s Key Policy Agenda


2024 Unification Ministry’s Key Policy Agenda


A United Korean Peninsula:

Pioneering Freedom and Prosperity

for All South and North Koreans


2024 Charts the Course of Unification Grounded in Liberal Democracy


March 8, 2024


The Ministry of Unification announces the unveiling of three key tasks aimed at laying the foundation for a united Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace:


1. To accurately understand and disseminate information about the realities of North Korea as the beginning phase toward unification.

2. To continue efforts to enhance human rights conditions in North Korea and foster positive change within the country.

3. To empower North Korean residents with hope by supporting North Korean defectors in successfully settling down and integrating into society while building capacity for unification.


The Ministry of Unification, led by Minister Kim Yung Ho, announces the 2024 Unification Ministry’s Key Policy Agenda on March 8, 2024. Under the fundamental direction of establishing a sturdy foundation for a united Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace, the Ministry has identified three key tasks and twelve sub-tasks.


“Unification represents a mission to promote the universal values of freedom and human rights.”


Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho briefed President Yoon Suk Yeol on the direction of unification policies, including follow-up measures to the March First Independence Movement Day address, at the Yongsan Office on March 7. Minister Kim emphasized that unification serves as both a historic national mission, ensuring the freedom and prosperity of 26 million North Korean residents, and a global mission, advancing universal values of freedom and human rights. The Minister affirmed the Government’s commitment to advancing unification policies, which includes fostering change in North Korea and strengthening our society’s unification capabilities.


Minister Kim underscored the significance of the current moment, noting that despite the Kim Jong Un regime’s declaration of the Republic of Korea (ROK) as an enemy state and the formal abandonment of the idea of a unified nation, it is imperative for our Government to assert our vision of unification while upholding national unity in an unwavering manner.


The unification policy extends into the daily lives of the people, caring for their livelihoods and aiming for a brighter future.


The Ministry of Unification has aligned its direction with the people-centered policy of the Yoon administration. The Ministry strives to approach the general public and provide necessary services and information; acknowledge those suffering from pain inflicted by the North and promote change; and support the successful settlement of North Korean defectors while pursuing future oriented unification policies.

The Ministry plans to expand nationwide services to the general public, allowing them to engage with unification issues and embrace unification culture in their daily lives. Additionally, the Ministry aims to fulfill its national obligations toward abductees, detainees, prisoners of war, and separated families who have suffered due to North Korea’s actions. Furthermore, the Ministry is committed to closely attending to the livelihoods of North Korean defectors. Simultaneously, by providing settlement support for North Korean defectors, the Ministry seeks to contribute to resolving societal challenges such as social integration and balanced regional development, thereby advancing a future-oriented unification policy.


The 2024 Unification Ministry’s Key Policy Agenda comprises the following tasks.


Task 1. Understand and Raise Awareness of North Korea


Recognizing that the foundation of unification lies in comprehending and accurately conveying the realities of North Korea, our first primary focus for this year is on understanding and raising awareness of North Korea.


Sub-task 1. Disseminate Awareness of North Korean Human Rights Issues at Home and Abroad

The Ministry aim s to shed light on the human rights situation of North Korean residents, who are also citizens of the Republic of Korea.”


The Ministry’s objective for this year is to advance with the acquisition of land and architectural planning for the establishment of the National North Korean Human Rights Center in Seoul by 2026. Building on last year’s release of the inaugural North Korean Human Rights Report, the Ministry will publish the 2024 edition this year. The English version will be concurrently released, expanding to address key issues such as (1) the implementation status of the “Reactionary Ideology and Culture Rejection Act” of the North, (2) the exploitation of North Korean overseas workers, (3) forced repatriation, (4) the impact of COVID-19, and more. Furthermore, a diverse array of initiatives will be launched to bolster the efforts of civil society organizations dedicated to improving North Korean human rights and to engage young individuals and non-Korean residents in the ROK in addressing North Korean human rights issues.


Sub-task 2. Develop Content Depicting North Korea’s Reality and Pursue Initiatives to Enhance Understanding of North Korea
The Ministry will create comprehensive materials and content to accurately depict the reality of North Korea, informing the public.”


The Ministry of Unification utilized testimonies and surveys of North Korean defectors to publish the Report on North Korean Economy and Society as Perceived by 6,351 Defectors on February 6. Expanding on this effort, we are arranging lectures, academic conferences, and briefings for international organizations and diplomatic missions. Additionally, the Ministry intends to host nationwide talk concerts (public speaking events) on stories about North Korea throughout the year together with North Korean defectors. Furthermore, the Ministry aims to create various types of video content involving North Korean defectors and ROK citizens from all walks of life in the planning process, to be shared both domestically and internationally through YouTube.


Sub-task 3. Establish Correct Historical, National, Security, and Unification Perspectives for Future Generations
The Ministry will foster future generations with accurate awareness both inside and outside schools, in collaboration with local communities.”


Recognizing that today’s youth and young adults will shape and inhabit a unified Korea, the Ministry is dedicated to bolstering unification education to cultivate accurate historical and unification perspectives. To accomplish this objective, the Ministry of Unification plans to enrich the content of our yearly basic unification education textbooks, which are distributed to frontline educational institutions, by integrating constitutional values. Additionally, we aim to bolster teachers’ proficiency in unification education and directly engage in devising unification education programs to convey accurate historical perspectives. Notably, this year, we intend to launch new experiential education programs on unification and security at 50 locations nationwide, strengthening the governance of unification education through coordination with various levels of schools and regional unification education hubs*.            


* 10 Regional Unification Education Centers, 13 Regional Unification Halls, approximately 1,000 Unification Education Commissioners, 8 Unification Leadership Universities, etc.


Sub-task 4. Expand Public Services in Providing Information Resources on North Korea

The Ministry will utilize big data to portray North Korea and facilitate the exploration of unification in cultural spaces.”


The Ministryis committed to enhancing public access to information about North Korea. The Ministry of Unification has improved the functionality of the ‘North Korea Information Portal’ (tentative name) with AI capabilities, which has been operational since March. The Ministry will continue to refine and expand our online services. Additionally, we are facilitating the construction ofthe Unification Information Resource Center,a specialized library on unification and North Korea, in Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, aiming for completion by 2027. Furthermore, we will ensure that comprehensive information about North Korea reaches the public through various media channels.


Task 2. Induce Change in North Korea


The Ministry will unwaveringly pursue a principled North Korea policy to lead in improving human rights and inducing changes in North Korea. In particular, the Ministry aims to help North Korean residents confront the issues of totalitarianism and oppressive governance and understand the root causes of poverty, thus striving to realize a “free, unified Korean Peninsula where the people are its rightful owners.”


Sub-task 1. Strengthen Pressure for North Korean Human Rights Improvement
The Ministry will help North Korean residents awaken to human rights and drive change in North Korea.”


The Ministry will empower North Korean residents to develop awareness of human rights by enhancing their access to information and supporting efforts to effectively identify human rights abuses by the North Korean authorities. Given that this year offers numerous opportunities to address North Korean human rights issues, the Ministry will proactively engage with the international community to advocate for improvements. The Ministry plans to expand the scope of the International Dialogue on North Korean Human Rights, first convened in December last year, by holding it biannually. Furthermore, the Ministry will incorporate the discourse that enhancing North Korean human rights will lead to resolving North Korea’s nuclear issue and realizing eventual unification into education materials on unification and security for wider dissemination.


Sub-task 2. Strengthen Efforts to Address Human Rights Abuses Against ROK Citizens by North Korea
The Ministry is committed to fulfilling our national duty by ensuring that not a single citizen’s suffering is left behind .”


The Ministry will work with the international community to raise awareness of the issues concerning ROK nationals who have been abducted, detained, and captured as prisoners of war by North Korea, applying pressure on the regime. The Ministrywill also foster national consensus through cultural approaches such as the forget-me-not project and exhibitions. Additionally, we will conduct investigations in collaboration with relevant agencies to provide substantial assistance to the 98 families of abduction victims after the Korean War who have not applied for compensation. Meanwhile, considering the aging* separated families, the Ministry will shorten the survey cycle from five to three years and conduct the fourth survey of separated families (originally planned for 2026) two years earlier, expanding support for genetic testing for second and third-generation separated families and those living abroad.


*Among applicants for separated family reunions, only 29% are confirmed to be alive, with those aged 80 and above comprising 68% of the survivors, and those aged 100 and above accounting for 2.2%.


Sub-task 3. Uphold a Principles Based North Korea Policy to Drive Change
The Ministry will firmly respond to wrongful actions and prioritize security, the cornerstone of people’s livelihoods.”


The Ministry will decisively address North Korean provocations and threats while firmly maintaining a principles based approach to North Korea policy. We will respond promptly to North Korea’s attempts to destabilize our society and engage in psychological warfare, rallying public opinion behind national unity. The Ministry will take legal measures against North Korea’s illegal infringement of our properties, such as the unauthorized operation of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex, and collaborate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to block North Korea’s illicit financial channels. All the while, the Ministry’s stance on dialogue with North Korea without preconditions remains unchanged.


Task 3. Strengthen Unification Capabilities


The Ministry will provide policy support for the successful settlement of North Korean defectors, while promoting their integration experiences within society to foster tangible progress in the unification progress. The Ministry will also undertake various initiatives to enhance national unification capabilities and establish a firm foundation for unification both nationally and internationally.



Sub-task 1: Enhance Support Systems and Strengthen Settlement Assistance for North Korean Defectors
The Ministry is committed to upgrading policies to provide effective support for North Korean defectors.”


The Ministry, upon designation of July 14 as North Korean Defectors’ Day,will commemorate their successful settlement stories and convey messages of hope to the 26 million North Korean residents. Through collaboration with entities such as the Peaceful Unification Advisory Council and the Presidential Committee of National Cohesion, the Ministry will launch mentoring initiatives and social awareness campaigns to highlight the invaluable contributions of North Korean defectors to our society. As we prepare to introduce the Fourth Master Plan for Settlement Support of North Korean Defectors (2024-2026), our focus will shift from individual-centered to family-centered support, with a particular emphasis on empowering the lives of female defectors, who make up 75% of the total. Furthermore, we will continually enhance the support system for North Korean defectors, including legislative reforms aimed at addressing any existing gaps in settlement assistance.


Sub-task 2. Strengthen Self-Reliance and Self-Sufficiency Support for North Korean Defectors and Offer Intensive Assistance to Crisis Households
The Ministry is committed to addressing the blind spots in settlement support and providing thorough assistance.”


Recognizing that quality employment is key to successful settlement, the Ministry will enhance vocational training from the foundational education phase at the Settlement Support Center for North Korean Refugees (Hanawon) and modernize advanced vocational training programs (currently offering 15 options) to meet current demands. Our efforts will persist in tailoring employment and entrepreneurship support policies through the employment assistance program (“Employment Success Package”). Moreover, the Ministry will facilitate North Korean defectors’ acquisition of professional qualifications and completion of higher education programs to cultivate expertise across various domains.


The Ministry will target deficiencies within the existing settlement support system, including bolstering education and vocational training support for third-country-born children and fostering collaboration among government agencies, public institutions, and specialized psychological treatment facilities (in the private sector) to establish a systematic approach for trauma therapy at different settlement stages. Additionally, plans are in place to establish a trauma treatment center for North Korean defectors at the Hanawon branch in Hwacheon by the end of this year. The Ministry will continue to monitor and provide proactive support for households categorized as high-risk crisis groups under government management while utilizing this year’s newly established financial incentive (“Fresh Start Incentive”) to enhance the self-reliance of North Korean defectors.


Sub-task 3. Establish a Peaceful Unification Foundation Based on a Liberal Democratic Order
The Ministry will build a unification foundation rooted in the constitution, reflecting the future desired by our citizens.”


The Ministry’s strategy involves articulating a vision of a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace, drawing strength from President Yoon Suk Yeol’s philosophy of freedom, and fostering discourse to support new initiatives for unification. The Ministry will promote unification discourse and hold public debates and cultural events to underscore the profound interconnectedness of the unification issue with every facet of everyday lives. Furthermore, with the forthcoming inauguration of the Gangwon Province Unification Plus Center in Chuncheon as the second regional hub later this year, the Ministry anticipates an expansion of regionally-tailored unification administrative services.


Sub-task 4. Advance Unification Capabilities Across All Fronts
The Ministry will robustly enhance unification capabilities to instill confidence among our citizens.”


The Ministry will devise and execute a comprehensive plan to bolster unification capacities across diverse sectors and phases at governmental levels, all in pursuit of a unification grounded in liberal democracy. By fortifying the upcoming second-term Unification Future Planning Committee, set to commence in March, with members comprising North Korean defectors, youth, foreigners, and academic experts, the Ministry aims to craft a unification pathway that resonates with the majority of Korean Peninsula residents.


Sub-task 5. Strengthen Solidarity with the International Community to Foster a Favorable Environment for Unification
The Ministry will spearhead and promote unification policies endorsed by the international community.”


The Ministry will convene the ‘International Dialogue on Unification Cooperation’ (tentative name), engaging nations that share our values, such as the United States, Japan, and European countries. Furthermore, we will strengthen collaboration with embassies in the ROK as well as the United Nations Command and its member states. Concurrently, the Ministrywill disseminate the vision of unification based on liberal democracy, as articulated in the Camp David Principles and the President Yoon’sMarch First Independence Movement Day address. As a pioneering step, we will launch the inaugural ‘Global Survey on Unification Awareness’ (tentative name), aiming to rally international support for the necessity and significance of unification on the Korean Peninsula. Additionally, the Ministry will actively pursue diverse public diplomacy initiatives, reaching out to overseas research institutions, expatriate communities, and international students studying in the country to effectively raise awareness about unification.


* Unofficial translation