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Unification Spokesperson Statement

Unification Spokesperson Statement
November 2, 2014
- The R.O.K. government has consistently pursued improvement in inter-Korean relations through dialogue and cooperation for true peace and unification on the Korean Peninsula. Accordingly, we made the initial proposal to hold inter-Korean talks last August. 

- Through the three high-level officials who attended the closing ceremony of the Incheon Asian Games, North Korea agreed to hold the 2nd Inter-Korean High-level talks at the end of October or early November. Disappointingly, however, the North is not coming forward to the talks by imposing unreasonable conditions. 

- We express deep regrets that North Korea, in its statement by the ‘Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland’ on November 1st, made distorted claims that the Korean government is protecting and encouraging civic groups to send leaflet-carrying balloons to the North and refused inter-Korean dialogue on this account. 

  • Furthermore, the North’s slandering of our Head of State by name and threat to “punish” our people is unacceptable behavior according to inter-Korean agreements and international norms. The Korean government warns that it will firmly defend any actions that harm the safety of its people. 

- North Korea should clearly realize that it can acquire nothing with its unilateral and intimidating claims and contemplate how the international community will perceive its irrational behavior which only considers its so-called ‘dignity of the supreme leadership.’ Also, we urge North Korea to behave in a suitable manner if it truly wants peace on the Korean Peninsula and improve inter-Korean relations.