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10th College Student Reporter Corps, “Unicorn,” runs toward unification

The Ministry of Unification held the inauguration ceremony for the 10th College Student Reporter Corps— Unicorn—at the Office of Inter-Korean Dialogue at 10:30 a.m. on May 12, 2017.

The ceremony lasted one hour and 20 minutes. It proceeded with a video on the activities of the 9th College Student Reporter Corps, awarding of letters of appointment to the 10th College Student Reporter Corps, and introduction of the new college student reporters of the 10th Corps.

The Ministry of Unification selected 45 college reporters this year and dubbed the 10th Corps “Unicorn” in expectation that the students will become the “Corn of Unification” and pursue their dreams on the large field of the Korean Peninsula.

   * The Ministry of Unification has run the College Student Reporter Corps since 2008 to build consensus on unification among the younger generation and improve communication with them.

Unicorn will work as reporters for a year until April 2018. They will collect news materials and write articles, post them on “Dream for the future of a unified Korea,” an official online forum of the Ministry of Unification (blog.naver.com/gounikorea), and participate in major events including Unification Education Week, the Unification Expo, and the Unification Start-up Idea Contest to be held by the Ministry of Unification this year.

The Ministry of Unification expects that the 10th College Student Reporter Corps, along with the 6th Young Student Reporter Corps launched on April 28, will bring synergy to the consensus-building on unification among the younger generation. It will continue to render support and pay more attention so that the young college students who will be the protagonists in the era of a unified Korea will be able to turn the dream of unification into reality.