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Ministry of Unification conducts the 2017 Disaster Response & Safety Drill 


The Ministry of Unification and Gangbuk-gu Office jointly conducted the 2017 Disaster Response & Safety Drill at the Institute for Unification Education in Gangbuk-gu, Seoul in preparation for a major fire.

The drill involved the Table Top Exercise at 11:00 on October 30 and the Field Training Exercise at 14:00 on October 31.

The drill prepared trainees at the Institute for Unification Education for the outbreak of a large fire due to an earthquake and its development into a wildfire.

The top priority of this hands-on exercise is the safety of trainees, and one of its aims is to develop their capabilities to respond to any disaster calmly, quickly, and effectively.

Its primary aim is to protect the lives and property of the people through cooperative response by relevant agencies.

This drill was joined by eight agencies: the Ministry of Unification, Gangbuk-gu Office, Bukhansan National Park Office, Gangbuk Fire Station, Gangbuk Police Station, military units in the nearby area, Korea Electric Power Corporation, and Korea Gas Corporation.

It was also joined by 280 people including those from volunteer disaster prevention organizations and volunteer firefighter corps, trainees, and local residents.
The Ministry of Unification will do its best in implementing an effective disaster response system to ensure that unification education can be conducted in a safe environment.