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Unification Spokesperson’s Statement Urging the North to Resolve Issues of Abductees, Detainees and Prisoners of War


Unification Spokesperson’s Statement
Urging the North to Resolve Issues of  Abductees, Detainees and Prisoners of War

March 27, 2024

As the North consistently pursues a passive stance, refusing to provide minimal information such as the confirmation of life or death, issues concerning abductees, detainees, and prisoners of war (POW) of the Korean War remain unresolved. Consequently, families are living through each day in grave pain.

In particular, six citizens of the Republic of Korea, including missionaries Kim Jung wook, Kim Kook kie and Choi Chun gil, have been illegally arrested by the North since 2013. These citizens have been held in detention facilities for an extended period of time, deprived of freedom. Meanwhile, the North is not permitting any form of contact be it via telecommunication or direct meetings.

The Ministry of Unification expresses regret over North Korea’s irresponsible attitude, claiming that there is nothing more to resolve or know about the abduction issue.

Upon reaffirming a shared commitment to the resolution of the issues of abductees, detainees, and unrepatriated POWs during the Camp David Summit last August, the Unification Ministry established the Abductees Response Team directly overseen by the Minister of Unification. Since then, the Ministry and the team has engaged in various efforts with the firm recognition that the issues are grave matters concerning the Government’s basic duty of ‘protecting its people.’

To encourage all South Koreans to actively participate in advocating for the repatriation of those abducted and detained, the Ministry designed a symbol and carried out campaigns to bring together our commitment.

President Yoon Suk Yeol and all cabinet members wore the badge of three forget-me-nots at yesterday’s cabinet meeting and expressed strong will to bring all abductees, detainees and POWs back to the arms of families and the Republic of Korea.

The Ministry of Unification once again condemns these illegal and inhumane treatments by the North Korean authorities and strongly urges the North to clearly recognize that this is a matter of great importance concerning the protection of lives of our people and to take an active part in resolving the issue.


* Unofficial translation