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South-North Relations

Weekly Report on North Korea


Weekly Report on North Korea No.

Weekly on North Korea

1. Domestic Affairs
Chairman of the National Defense Commission Kim Jong-il visited Unit 179 of the Korea People's Army (KPA), where he vowed to deal resolutely against the tense political situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Preparations for events were underway to celebrate Chairman Kim's upcoming 60th birthday, on Feb. 16. They were intended to strengthen North Korean residents' loyalty to him. The number of events celebrating his birthday increased sharply from last year. About 20 athletic meets and arts exhibitions were planned, including Paektusan Cup Games on Feb. 3. News media reported that overseas pro-North Korean groups had established preparatory committees about a year ago to commemorate his 60th birthday.

Pyongyang Broadcasting Station publicized an art performance titled "Arirang," adding that foreign tourists would be guaranteed convenience while staying in North Korea.

2. South Korean Relations
South and North Korea agreed to hold a meeting to mark the beginning of New Year by the lunar calendar.

A spokesman for the General Federation of Trade Unions denounced the South Korean government's ban on the proposed visits to North Korea by the Korea Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) and the Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU), branding the measure as "anti-reunification."

North Korean social groups criticized Lee Hoi-chang, leader of South Korea's major opposition party, for his anti-North Korean remarks while on his visit to the United States, and the most widely read South Korean newspaper, The Chosun Ilbo, for its article critical of North Korea's "Arirang" performance. The Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, the Social Democratic Party and the General Federation of Trade Unions issued such statements on Feb. 1, 4 and 6, respectively, demanding apology.

3. External affairs
North Korea continued its denunciation against President Bush's Jan. 30 State of the Union address. "It is the United States where terrorism, aggression, and war threatening world peace come from." Pyongyang Broadcasting Station said on Feb. 5. It propagandized on Feb. 3 that an anti-U.S. sentiment was escalating in South Korea.

A spokesman for the North Korean Foreign Ministry denounced Japan on Feb. 5 for firing a rocket called H2-A No. 2 on Feb. 4, calling it a plot to revive its militarism. "Japan launched the rocket to jump on the U.S. wagon trying to crush North Korea to death. We cannot help but beefing up our military muscle," he said in a statement.

The German humanitarian aid of 6,000 tons of frozen beef arrived in Nampo Port, North Korea on Feb. 4.

Hong Song-nam, a senior North Korean official, had a conference with Doris Hertrampf, the new German ambassador to North Korea on Feb. 5.

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