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주메뉴 버튼

South-North Relations

Inter-Korean Exchanges & Cooperation


Inter-Korean Trade - Trade Volume by Year

(USD millions)
Inter-Korean Trade - Trade Volume by Year
Year ´89-02 ´03 `04 `05 `06 `07 `08 `09 `10 `11 `12 `13 `14 `15 `16 `17 `18 `19 `20 `21 `22 `23 Total
Inbound 2,066 289 258 340 520 765 932 934 1,044 914 1,074 615 1,206 1,452 185 0 11 0 0 - - - 12,606
Outbound 1,505 435 429 715 831 1,033 888 745 868 800 897 521 1,136 1,262 147 1 21 7 4 1 0 - 12,256
Total 3,571 724 697 1,055 1,350 1,799 1,820 1,679 1,912 1,714 1,971 1,136 2,343 2,714 333 1 32 7 4 1 0 - 24,861

*The total for each year may differ from the actual total due to rounding errors.

Inter-Korean Trade - Number of Trade Transactions by Year

(number of transactions)
Inter-Korean Trade - Number of Trade Transactions by Year
Year ´89-02 ´03 `04 `05 `06 `07 `08 `09 `10 `11 `12 `13 `14 `15 `16 `17 `18 `19 `20 `21 `22 `23 Total
Inbound 25,268 6,356 5,940 9,337 16,412 25,027 31,243 37,307 39,800 33,762 36,504 20,566 38,460 45,640 5,352 1 212 49 2 - - - 377,238
Outbound 22,732 4,853 6,953 11,828 17,039 26,731 36,202 41,293 44,402 40,156 45,311 25,562 47,698 55,267 6,072 3 487 385 43 4 2 - 433,023
Total 48,000 11,209 12,893 21,165 33,451 51,758 67,445 78,600 84,202 73,918 81,815 46,128 86,158 100,907 11,424 4 699 434 45 4 2 - 810,261

Inter-Korean Trade - Number of Trade Items by Year

(number of items)
Inter-Korean Trade - Number of Trade Items by Year
Year ´89-02 ´03 `04 `05 `06 `07 `08 `09 `10 `11 `12 `13 `14 `15 `16 `17 `18 `19 `20 `21 `22 `23 Total
Inbound 585 186 202 381 421 450 482 486 448 363 377 359 349 362 226 1 238 82 2 - - - 910
Outbound 1254 530 575 712 697 803 813 771 740 676 705 644 697 718 447 60 410 292 137 4 1 - 1,192
Total 1394 588 634 775 757 853 859 822 795 702 731 674 718 742 489 61 412 294 137 4 1 - 1,207

Trade Volume by Type of Transaction

(USD millions)
Trade Volume by Type of Transaction
Category Type of
´05 `06 `07 `08 `09 `10 `11 `12 `13 `14 `15 `16 `17 `18 `19 `20 `21 `22 `23
Inbound trade Generaltrade,
processing-oncommission trade
320 441 646 624 499 334 4 1 1 0 0 - - - - - - - -
cooperation(GIC, Mt.Geumgang tours,and light industry projects)
20 77 120 308 435 710 909 1,073 615 1,206 1,452 185 - - - - - - -
Non-commercial trade (Assistance from thegovernment andNGOs /Social and cultural cooperation / Light-water reactor project 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 - - 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 - - -
Inbound total 340 520 765 932 934 1,044 914 1,074 615 1,206 1,452 186 0 11 0 0 - - -
General trade,processing-oncommission trade 99 116 146 184 167 101 - - - 0 - - - - - - - - -
Economic cooperation(GIC, Mt.Geumgang tours,and light industry projects) 250 294 520 596 541 744 789 888 518 1,132 1,252 145 - - - - - - -
Non-commercial trade (Assistance from thegovernment andNGOs /Social and cultural cooperation / Light-water reactor project 366 421 367 108 37 23 11 9 3 4 10 2 1 21 7 4 1 - -
Outbound total 715 830 1,033 888 745 868 800 897 521 1,136 1,262 147 1 21 7 4 1 - -

Inter-Korean Tourism Cooperation Project - Number of Tourists to Mt. Geumgang

Inter-Korean Tourism Cooperation Project - Number of Tourists to Mt. Geumgang
Destination ´98~´00 ´01 `02 `03 `04 `05 `06 `07 `08 `09~`22 ´23 Total
By sea 371,637 57,879 84,727 38,306 449 - - - - - - 552,998
By land - - - 36,028 267,971 298,247 234,446 345,006 199,966 - - 1,381,664
Total 371,637 57,879 84,727 74,334 268,420 298,247 234,446 345,006 199,966 - - 1,934,662
Gaeseong - - - - - 1,484 - 7,427 103,122 - - 112,033
Pyongyang - - - 1,019 - 1,280 - - - - - 2,299

Approvals of Inter-Korean Cooperation Projects

(number of cases)
Approvals of Inter-Korean Cooperation Projects
Category ´91~
´02 `03 `04 `05 `06 `07 `08 `09 `10 `14 `12 `13 `14 `15 `16 `17 `18 `19 `20 `21 `22 `23 Total
Economy Economic 16 1 2 6 10 4 6 9 1 19 - - 19 - - - - - - - - - - 93
GIC Approval - - - 17 26 15 163 53 10 6 1 6 5 3 3 - - - - - - - - 308
Report - - - - - - - - 12 11 18 22 10 2 7 - - - - - - - - 82
Society and culture 23 7 13 16 47 26 19 3 - 1 1 - - 1 2 - - 6 5 - - - - 170
Total 39 8 15 39 83 45 188 65 23 37 20 28 34 6 12 - - 6 5 - - - - 653