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South-North Relations

Humanitarian Cooperation


Total Amount of Humanitarian Assistance to North Korea: KRW 3.2948 trillion (USD 3.05393 billion)

(KRW hundreds of millions)
Total Amount of Humanitarian Assistance to North Korea: KRW 3.2948 trillion (USD 3.05393 billion)
Year Government assistance NGO assistance Total
Free aid Food loans Total
by govern ment through NGOs through internation al organizatio ns Total
’95 1,854 1,854 1,854 2 1,856
’96 24 24 24 12 37
’97 240 240 240 182 422
’98 154 154 154 275 429
’99 339 339 339 223 562
’00 944 34 977 1,057 2,034 386 2,421
’01 684 63 229 976 976 782 1,757
’02 832 65 243 1,140 1,510 2,650 578 3,228
’03 811 81 205 1,097 1,510 2,607 766 3,373
’04 949 102 262 1,314 1,359 2,673 1,558 4,231
’05 1,221 120 19 1,360 1,787 3,147 780 3,926
’06 2,000 133 139 2,273 2,273 709 2,982
‘07 1,432 216 335 1,983 1,505 3,488 909 4,397
’08 241 197 438 438 726 1,164
’09 77 217 294 294 377 671
’10 183 21 204 204 201 405
’11 65 65 65 131 196
’12 23 23 23 118 141
’13 133 133 133 51 183 ¹)
’14 141 141 141 54 195
’15 23 117 ²) 140 140 114 254
’16 1 1 2 2 28 30
2017 11 11
2018.12 12 12 12 65 77
Total 11,262 1,177 2,744 15,183 8,728 23,911 9,038 32,948

※ Based on the amount approved for release from the government (Government: including transportation costs and extra expenses, NGOs: not including transportation costs and extra expenses)

* The totals may differ from the sum of individual figures due to rounding errors.

※ The South began providing humanitarian assistance to North Korea in 1995 and the special account for grain management was not included in the amount of humanitarian assistance to the North

¹) The total amount of assistance for 2013 (183): 133 by Government (67.4 through UNICEF + 65.1 through WHO=132.5) and 51 through NGOs (50.8) due to rounding errors.

²) Out of the amount provided through international organizations in 2015 (117), the amount for MR vaccine (33.6) was contributed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Food Aid by Government (excluding assistance through international organizations)

(KRW hundreds of millions)
Food Aid by Government (excluding assistance through international organizations)
Category ‘95 ‘00 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ’11-2018.11 Total
Assistance volume 150,000 tons of domestic rice 300,000 tones of foreign rice

200,000 tons of Chinese corn
400,000 tons of domestic rice 400,000 tons of domestic rice 100,000 tons of domestic rice

300,000 tons of foreign rice
400,000 tons of domestic rice

100,000 tons of foreign rice
100,000 tons of domestic rice 150,000 tons of domestic rice

250,000 tons of foreign rice
- - 5,000 tons of domestic rice - 2,655, 000 tons of domestic and foreign rice

*200, 000 tons of Chinese corn
Amount 1,854 1,057 1,510 1,510 1,359 1,787 394 1,505 - - 40 - 11,015
Type of assistance Free aid Loans Loans Loans Loans Loans Free aid Loans - - Free aid - 2,288 in free aid 8,728 in loans

Fertilizer Aid by Government

(KRW hundreds of millions)
Fertilizer Aid by Government
Year Volume Amount
1999 115,000 tons (including 40,000 tons from NGOs) 339 (462 including 40,000 tons from NGOs)
2000 300,000 tons 944
2001 200,000 tons 638
2002 300,000 tons 832
2003 300,000 tons 811
2004 300,000 tons 940
2005 350,000 tons 1,207
2006 350,000 tons 1,200
2007 300,000 tons 961
Total 2,515,000 tons (2,555,000 tons) 7,872 (7,995)

Assistance through International Organizations

Assistance through International Organizations
Year International Organizations (USD tens of thousands) Total (USD tens of thousands)
’96 200 100 0 5 305
’97 2,053 394 70 150 2,667
’98 1,100 0 0 0 1,100
’99 0 0 0 0 0
’00 0 0 0 0 0
’01 1,725 0 46 0 1,771
’02 1,739 0 59 0 1,798
’03 1,619 50 66 0 1,735
’04 2,334 100 87 0 2,521
’05 0 100 81 0 181
’06 0 230 1,167 0 1,397
’07 2,000 315 1,181 50 3,546
’08 0 408 1,147 19 1,574
’09 0 398 1,408 30 1,837
’10 0 0 0 0 0
’11 0 565 0 0 565
’12 0 0 0 210 210
’13 0 604 605 0 1,208
’14 700 0 631 0 1,331
’15 210 400 0 412 1,022
’16 0 0 0 9 9
’17 0 0 0 0 0
2018.12 0 0 0 0 0
Total 13,680 3,663 6,548 885 24,776

* The totals may differ from the sum of individual figures due to rounding errors.

NGO Assistance

NGO Assistance
Year Korean Red Cross (KRW hundreds of millions) NGOs Total (KRW hundreds of millions)
Amount (KRW hundreds of millions) Number of NGOs (cases)
’95 2 - - 2
’96 12 - - 12
’97 182 - - 182
’98 275 - - 275
’99 157 66 9 223
’00 113 273 13 386
’01 286 495 19 782
’02 90 488 27 578
’03 69 697 29 766
’04 441 1,117 32 1,558
’05 46 733 44 780
’06 45 665 57 709
’07 40 869 66 909
’08 4 722 65 726
’09 - 377 59 377
’10 16 184 42 201
’11 - 131 35 131
’12 - 118 16 118
’13 - 51 15 51
’14 2 52 17 54
’15 4 110 27 114
’16 - 28 3 28
’17 - 11 1 11
2018.12 - 65 13 65
Total 1,787 7,251 - 9,038

※ Based on the amount approved for release from the government: Amount of assistance in goods (not including transportation costs and extra expenses) * The totals may differ from the sum of individual figures due to rounding errors.