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Settlement Support for North Korean Defectors


Settlement Support for North Korean Defectors

1. Number of North Korean Defectors Entering South Korea

  • As of December 2023.12, a total of 34,078 North Korean defectors entered South Korea.
    • 1948 : First defection to the South

      February 2007 : Number of defectors reached 10,000 persons

      November 2010 : Number reached 20,000 persons

      November 2016 : Number reached 30,000 persons

98년부터 23년도 12월까지의 각 년도별 입국인원을 남, 여, 합계, 여성비율에 따라 나열한 표입니다.
~'98' ~'01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 '24.9 Total
Male 831 565 510 474 626 424 515 573 608 662 591 795 404 369 305 251 302 188 168 202 72 40 35 32 22 9,564
Female 116 478 632 811 1,272 960 1,513 1,981 2,195 2,252 1,811 1,911 1,098 1,145 1,092 1,024 1,116 939 969 845 157 23 32 164 159 24,695
Total 947 1,043 1,142 1,285 1,898 1,384 2,028 2,554 2,803 2,914 2,402 2,706 1,502 1,514 1,397 1,275 1,418 1,127 1,137 1,047 229 63 67 196 181 34,259

2. Support for North Korean Defectors

Support for North Korean Defecotrs
Category Item Description
Settlement benefits Basic settlement benefits KRW 8 million for a single-person household
Financial incentives A maximum of KRW 25.1 million for those who receive vocational training, obtain a certificate of qualification, or get a job
Additional benefits A maximum of KRW 15.4 million for seniors aged 60 years or older, the mentally or physically challenged, people in long-term medical treatment, children of single parents, and children born in third countries
Housing Housing arrangement Arranging rental apartments
Housing subsidies KRW 16 million for a single-person household
Employment Vocational training A training allowance (Ministry of Employment and Labor)
Employment subsidies (paid to employers) Half of pay (up to half a million won) per worker for a maximum of four years Those who entered South Korea before November 29, 2014
Employment support workers Offering career counseling and job placement at 65 employment centers nationwide
Others Employment protection (preferential purchasing), settlement support for those aspiring to be farmers, and special employment
Social welfare Livelihood benefits Those who receive Basic Livelihood Security Program (BLSP) benefits
Medical care Free healthcare for those who receive Tier 1 Medical Benefits of the BLSP
Pension exception Allowing subscription by exception to the national pension plan for those aged between 50 and 59 at the time of making decisions on protection
Education Special admission and transfer to schools Offering special admission for those who want to go to college
Support for tuition Exemption from tuition for those enrolled in middle school, high school, a national or public university and subsidizing 50% of tuition for study at a private university
Settlement assistants - Designating one or two settlement assistants for each household in the initial period of settlement Support workers
Support workers - Support workers system: community services (244 persons at local governments), employment counseling (65 persons at employment centers), and personal protection (900 persons at police stations)